[Image provided by Target / Note: Original image removed by request of Target]
It's official: For Holiday 2009, showing your bones will be all the rage. At least, according to Target and Rodarte. [Edited on 10/15 to reflect new photos that have since surfaced of the collection. Below text remains unchanged reflecting original photo.]

[Image courtesy eBay]

[Above images courtesy Seventeen magazine]
This internal image from Rodarte's upcoming collection for Target was leaked over the weekend, with a Target team member modeling the sequin-meets-skeleton look. If bones are the thing, it's clear Rodarte aren't tempering their neo-Victorian, goth-meets-pretty aesthetic for the mainstream Target shopper.

Even local designers are getting into the mix. Check out this "mummy" dress by local designer Max Lohrbach, which he made for mpslart.com director Emma Berg last year for Halloween (effectively jumping the trend before national designers):
Here's the front view:
Lohrbach reprised this motif once again in a dress worn by Berg at Voltage this past April:

[Image of Emma Berg in Max Lohrbach by Ellen Dahl/The Minneapoline]
I die....