[Image courtesy Neiman Marcus]Calling all fashion designers (and illustration novices):
MNfashion just announced the Fashion Sketch Contest it's sponsoring as part of the festivities at the Fashion's Night Out event at Neiman Marcus on September 10. Click
here for details on the event.
Sketch your inspirations for the Fall 2010 season and you could win a $500 gift card to Neiman Marcus.
Here is what to do:
1. Get yourself a nice sheet of paper that is 11”x14” in dimension.
2. Become inspired by at least 3 of the Fall 2010 Fashion Trends (listed below)
3. Show us your skills and sign your work.
4. Fill out the application
5. Mail or drop off your sketch and application to address listed below.
The sketches should be submitted on paper sized 11”x14”. Fabric swatches may be added, but keep in mind that these sketches will be hung on the wall and will need to be strong enough to support additions. Submissions will be received on a limited basis (30 total per category) so be sure to get your sketch submitted before the deadline. Limit one 11x14 page per person.
All fashion sketches will be on display during Fashion's Night Out on Friday, September 10th, 2010.
There will be 6 total winners: 3 fashion students and 3 emerging designers.
The top 6 winners will have their work displayed in the windows on Nicollet Mall during the Neiman Marcus Art of Fashion Event the week of September 13 - 18.
1st Place = $500 Neiman Marcus Gift Card
2nd Place = $300 Neiman Marcus Gift Card
3rd Place = $200 Neiman Marcus Gift Card
Judges- Joy Teiken- Designer, Joynoelle--- Kat Dalager- Manager of Print Production, Campbell Mithun, and MNfashion Board Chair--- Anna Lee- Executive Director, MNfashion
Deadline for submission is Wednesday, September 8th.
Neiman Marcus Fall 2010 Trends
Military Influences
The Pant Suit
Capes, Ponchos and Vests
A Wardrobe of Boots
The Structured Handbag